The Graph 500 is directed by a steering committee of over 50 international HPC experts from academia, industry, and national laboratories:
- Jim Ang, Sandia
- David Bader, New Jersey Institute of Technology
- Richard Barrett, Sandia
- John Baron, SGI
- Jon Berry, SNL
- Jim Dehnert, Google
- Bill Brantley, AMD
- Taisuke Boku, University of Tsukuba
- HB Chen, LANL
- Almadena Chtchelkanova, NSF
- Giri Chukkapalli, Appro
- Candy Culhane, DoD
- John Daly, DOD/CEC
- John Feo, PNNL
- Michael Garland, NVIDIA
- John Gilbert, UCSB
- Maya Gokhale, LLNL
- Bill Gropp, UIUC
- Tan Guangming, NCIC Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Bill Harrod, DOE
- Bruce Hendrickson, Sandia
- Van Henson, LLNL
- Jeremy Kepner, Lincoln Labs (Chair)
- Anton Korzh, NVIDIA
- Jure Leskovec, Stanford
- Bob Lucas, USC/ISI
- Andrew Lumsdaine, PNNL and University of Washington
- Mike Merrill, DOD
- Hans Meuer, University of Mannheim
- David Mizell, Cray
- Shoaib Mufti, Cray
- Richard Murphy, Micron Technology
- Nick Nystrom, PSC
- Fabrizio Petrini, Intel
- Wilf Pinfold, Intel
- Steve Poole, ORNL
- Ram Rajamony, IBM
- Jason Riedy, Georgia Tech
- Arun Rodrigues, SNL
- Logan Sankaran, HP
- Rob Schreiber, HP
- Marc Snir, ANL
- Richard Stempien, Mitre
- Thomas Sterling, Indiana University
- Toyotaro Suzumura, Tokyo Institute of Technology / IBM Research – Tokyo
- Bob Techenten, Mayo Clinic
- Daniel Thomas, SGI
- Matthias Troyer, ETH Zurich
- T.C. Tuan, DOD
- Ash Vadgama, AWE
- Ruud van der Pas, Oracle
- Jeff Vetter, ORNL
- Mike Vildibill, Data Direct Networks
- Jeremiah Willcock, Google