Rank | Machine | Vendor | Type | Network | Installation Site | Location | Country | Year | Application | Usage | Number of nodes | Number of cores | Memory | Implementation | Scale | GTEPS | C_time | Power |
1 | DOE/NNSA/LLNL Sequoia | IBM | BlueGene/Q, Power BQC 16C 1.60 GHz | Custom | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Livermore, CA | USA | 2012 | Scientific Research | Government | 65536 | 1048576 | 1050000 gigabytes | Custom | 40 | 15363 | 1357 seconds | |
2 | DOE/SC/Argonne National Laboratory Mira | IBM | BlueGene/Q, Power BQC 16C 1.60 GHz | Custom | Argonne National Laboratory | Chicago, IL | USA | 2012 | Scientific Research | Research | 32768 | 524288 | 524288 gigabytes | Custom | 39 | 10461 | 836 seconds | 3945 Watts |
3 | JUQUEEN | IBM | BlueGene/Q, Power BQC 16C 1.60 GHz | Custom | Forschungszentrum Juelich (FZJ) | Germany | 2012 | Scientific Research | Research | 16384 | 262144 | 262144 gigabytes | Custom | 38 | 5848 | 565 seconds | ||
4 | K computer | Fujitsu | Custom supercomputer | Tofu interconnect | RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science (AICS) | Kobe, Hyogo | Japan | 2011 | Various science and industry fields | Government, university, industry | 65536 | 524288 | 1050000 gigabytes | Custom | 40 | 5524.12 | 175.818 seconds | |
5 | Fermi | IBM | BlueGene/Q, Power BQC 16C 1.60 GHz | Custom | CINECA | Italy | 2012 | Scientific Research | Academic | 8192 | 131072 | 131072 gigabytes | Custom | 37 | 2567 | 400 seconds | ||
6 | Turing | IBM | BlueGene/Q, Power BQC 16C 1.60GHz | custom | CNRS/IDRIS-GENCI | Orsay | France | 2012 | Environment, Fluid Dynamics, Biomedical, Astrophysics, Physics, Plasmas, Computer Science, Mathematics, Chemistry | Academic | 4096 | 65536 | 65536 gigabytes | custom | 36 | 1427 | 1348 seconds | 328750 Watts |
6 | Blue Joule | IBM | BlueGene/Q, Power BQC 16C 1.60 GHz | Custom | Science and Technology Facilities Council - Daresbury Laboratory | UK | 2012 | Scientific Research | Research | 4096 | 65536 | 65536 gigabytes | Custom | 36 | 1427 | 1348 seconds | ||
6 | DIRAC | IBM | BlueGene/Q, Power BQC 16C 1.60 GHz | Custom | University of Edinburgh | UK | 2012 | Scientific Research | Academic | 4096 | 65536 | 65536 gigabytes | Custom | 36 | 1427 | 1348 seconds | ||
6 | Zumbrota | IBM | BlueGene/Q, Power BQC 16C 1.60 GHz | Custom | EDF R&D | France | 2012 | Energy Research | Industry | 4096 | 65536 | 65536 gigabytes | Custom | 36 | 1427 | 1348 seconds | ||
6 | Avoca | IBM | BlueGene/Q, Power BQC 16C 1.60 GHz | Custom | Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative | Australia | 2012 | Scientific Research | Research | 4096 | 65536 | 65536 gigabytes | Custom | 36 | 1427 | 1348 seconds |
Showing 1 to 10 of 123 entries